Your Voice & Your Vote Count - Every Time.
Hi, I’m Madhusree (Maddy) Ghosh, and I am running for Village of South Barrington Trustee because I believe in a future where our community thrives through thoughtful, transparent leadership. I believe in the power of our community. I live here with my husband and two daughters, and I am deeply invested in the well-being of our village.
As someone who is both a resident and a mother, I want to make sure that the decisions made today will benefit our children and the generations to come. I want to bring a fresh perspective to the table—one that prioritizes inclusivity, transparency, and sustainable development for the entire village.
All our residents deserve to be heard in decisions that impact our lives. I want to bring our community together and ensure that South Barrington remains a place where every voice is heard. Join me in this initiative to make our village stronger, safer, and more connected.
Make a Plan to Vote
Important Dates
March 16th - Online Voter Registration Closes
March 17th - Last Day to Request a Mail-in Ballot
March 17th-31st - Early Voting Period
April 1st - Election Day!